Streamlining Media Management: Overcoming the Challenges of Media Complexity

Dive into the complexities of modern media challenges. Explore how diverse channels and investor expectations intersect with hurdles like siloed systems and spreadsheet proliferation. Discover how Boostr simplifies operations, unifies tracking, and empowers media businesses for enhanced profitability and efficiency. 

The Problem of Media Complexity 

Today’s media companies face tough challenges, from proliferating channels and formats to increased pressure from investors and shareholders to deliver profitable growth. Most media companies have hundreds, if not thousands, of product offerings – and booking one affects the availability and potential performance of the rest. 

Siloed systems, countless spreadsheets, and a constantly changing sales organization make setting and optimizing a strategy exceeding difficult, if not downright impossible. 

Forecast data can’t be trusted. In order to be successful, you need to know where you stand. However, stale or incomplete data make it impossible for a media business to forecast available inventory, sales pipeline trends, or profits. 

Hard to get answers quickly. Rev Ops, Ad Ops, and Sales team members spend hours each week tracking down key figures – then double checking they are accurate. Even simple questions like “What’s my profit margin on this deal?” or “Will we hit our target this quarter?” can be hard to answer with data in multiple locations.

Siloed systems don’t talk to one another. Most media companies have a complex ecosystem of third-party and proprietary solutions that don’t integrate seamlessly – or require lots of heavy lifting and manual work to maintain or scale. Siloed systems slow down deal flow at every stage, from I/O to billing and reconciliation. 

Leaving money on the table. Without a real-time source of truth, it’s impossible to ensure each deal is sold at the best price with the optimal margin. A unified view of the business is required to maximize and prioritize revenue growth opportunities. 

Scaling Simplified:  Boostr helps you conquer media business complexity

What happens when media execs design an ad sales management platform from scratch? The most accurate revenue forecasting, larger deal sizes with more products sold, 50+ automated workflows for Sales and Ad Ops that save valuable time, all the integrations you need, and analytics to report on virtually anything.

Platform overview Benefits 

Get More Accurate Revenue Forecasting. Tap into the most accurate, timely omnichannel revenue forecasting for media companies, with an easy-to-use interface for sellers and no-code configurations for CRM inputs, products, and stages.

Track Everything In One Place. Eliminate spreadsheet proliferation and silos of error-prone information with a single real-time database that enables company-wide collaboration and better decision-making.

Sell Plans at the Right Price & Highest Margin. Help teams sell the right products across a complex portfolio for higher profitability.

Look Smarter More Often. Report on virtually anything confidently in real-time, with the industry’s largest library of pre-built best practice dashboards and multi-layered analytics.

Work How You Want With Our Integrations. Boostr’s products seamlessly integrate with your preferred systems, including ad servers, ad tech (DSPs, SSPs), commercial clouds (Jira, Asana, Monday), finance systems (NetSuite, QuickBooks), and in-house, proprietary systems via API. 

Empowering solutions don’t come without questions.

How does Boostr free up time for Sales, Ad Ops, and Rev Ops teams? With 50-plus out-of-the-box workflow automation, triggered alerts, and customizable dashboards that include “what to do now” prioritization, Sales organizations can focus on the most valuable activities at any given time. Teams stop wasting time managing manual I/O workflows, copying and pasting information into agency templates, and chasing reports. On average, our customers cite 4 hours saved weekly by Sales and 40% less work for Ad Ops.

How does Boostr help me grow? By unifying all of your CRM and OMS booked-and-delivered data in a single platform, Boostr makes it easy to see what’s working—and what’s not. Get category, client, inventory, and SKU-level insights that enable better pricing and packaging decisions, boosting margins and revenue. Boostr also helps shorten billing and reconciliation by 3x, so you can invoice—and get paid—faster.

Does Boostr work with my current systems? Yes. You can use any of Boostr’s products—CRM, OMS, or Proposal-IQ—as standalone offerings or in concert with each other for maximum efficiency and lower total cost of ownership. Boostr integrates seamlessly with every major ad tech stack solution so you can work how you want. (See here for a list:

Why should I choose Boostr? Modern media businesses are using legacy systems and limiting revenue and profitability in the process. Boostr moves teams out of error-prone, siloed spreadsheets into a single source of real-time truth. Boostr’s OMS + CRM outperform the competition because they are the only solutions built from the ground up to meet the unique needs and nuances of media businesses.

What's Next?

Companies like yours are boosting productivity and profits. Our customers operate with confidence, knowing their forecast and delivery data are always accurate, their campaigns are the most profitable, and their teams are the most productive. Click here to read their success stories. Click here to learn more about Boostr.


Boostr is the only platform that seamlessly integrates CRM and OMS capabilities to address the unique challenges of media advertising. With boostr, companies gain the unified visibility necessary to effectively manage, maximize and scale omnichannel ad revenue profitability with user-friendly workflows, actionable insights, and accurate forecasting.

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