
Women in Media: A Legacy of Pioneering Voices

“Friends. Sisters. Mothers. Professors. When women affirm women, it unlocks our power. It gives us permission to shine brighter.”   Elaine Welteroth, American journalist, editor, author, and television host

We celebrated women's triumphs and contributions throughout March. Women's History Month highlights the extraordinary stories of women who have rewritten history and shattered glass ceilings. As Women's History Month ends, our focus turned to the media--a field that has created narratives and influenced public opinion for centuries.

Once dominated by male voices, the media has changed significantly over recent decades. This transformation reflects the efforts of countless women. Journalism was one of the few channels where women could speak their minds in a male-dominated world. They became staunch advocates for the voiceless, addressing pressing issues such as abolition, suffrage, and education in their stories.

The media has given us pioneers like Ida B. Wells, the investigative journalist who shed light on racial injustice. Or let's talk about Katharine Graham, the publisher known for her defiance against government pressure during the Pentagon Papers saga. Dorothy Parker used her razor-sharp wit to dissect societal norms. Barbara Walters broke significant ground in television journalism, laying pathways for future female broadcasters. These women transformed what it means to have a voice and disrupted the status quo.

Their stories are more than just impressive achievements. They prove that with strength, resolve, and the relentless pursuit of truth. you can make your voice heard. They underscore that the media — the Fourth Estate — is one of the most potent instruments for crafting public discourse. Therefore, it must reflect the diverse range of voices it represents.

Nonetheless, there is still a great deal more work to do. In a 2020 study, the researchers at McKinsey noted that only 27 percent of C-suite positions in media and entertainment are held by women. Considering that women make up a whopping 49% of the workforce in media and entertainment and tend to get promoted at twice the rate of men, that number is telling. The number of women in C-suite positions remains lower than that of men; however, the media industry is unique in that women are much better represented overall than in other sectors.

At Boostr, we understand the significance of inclusivity and amplifying diverse perspectives because we’ve lived it. We are celebrating Women's History Month by introducing you to the remarkable women who are the backbone of our company. They are the storytellers, strategists, and innovators shaping the future of Boostr and the media landscape.

Here is what the women of Boostr had to say about what it is to be a woman in media.

“Working in media has given me the opportunity to meet and collaborate with other women who are intelligent and confident and serve as a source of inspiration to me. From them, I’ve learned that compassion can be an asset in the workplace.”  Julie Henehan, Director of Account Management

“Being a woman in media (and technology!) is not without its challenges, but I am lucky to have worked with and for some amazing women who set examples of professionalism, grace, and strength. I've learned how to negotiate, balance a workload, say no, and be a force for change from some of the best in the business. I carry those examples with me in every role I take, including the example set by my own mother, also a woman in media.” Elizabeth Keaney, Head of Linear Solutions

“From early on, I have often been the only woman in the room working with Engineering and Operations teams. Through the years, I’ve seen more and more women in product management and engineering, which has been inspiring.  We all (men and women) have a role in mentoring and inspiring this new generation of women in media and tech.” Jennifer Karan, Director of Product Management

“Even with the stereotypical Mad Men vibe in the advertising world, I think the media industry has provided a space for strong female leaders to thrive and weave themselves into the fabric of the workplace. Seeing some key examples of this in the roles I have held over the years (notably my current one at boostr) gave me confidence in what I bring to the table as a woman professional – quality output with a mindset towards multitasking, efficiency, collaboration, and a no-quit attitude." Marta Tartar, Senior Director of Data Solutions

“Throughout my career in media, I've been inspired by exemplary women who have paved the way for others to succeed. I'm grateful to have crossed paths with these women, who've embodied kindness, dedication, and a passion for media. As a woman of color, I'm excited to see this industry continue to evolve into a more inclusive and diverse space where a new generation of women can thrive.” Suhayde Holquin-Marsilio, Director of Client Success

"I'm not surprised by the number of women in the media. You can feel the power of connectedness. I am honored to work with this industry's great minds and forward-thinkers every day." Katie Schuele, Co-founder and CCO

We celebrate the stories of the women of Boostr and their invaluable contributions to the media industry. Their voices and those of the trailblazers who came before them inspire us to strive for progress, champion diverse narratives, and continue shaping the future of media.

To learn more about how Boostr is shaping the media landscape, reach out. We'd love to talk.


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